Petite Tenders & Figs

The steak of the week was a petite tender. It is shaped like a tenderloin (a.k.a. filet mignon), but is actually part of the chuck (shoulder). Because it is slightly smaller than the tenderloin, it was dubbed “petite tender” to distinguish the cuts.

It was a much thicker cut of steak than the others I’ve tried thus far so I decided to try my hand at grilling. I have never grilled meat before. In fact, the only time I’ve ever used the grill was to make paella several years ago. I had no idea what I was doing and the whole experience was rather overwhelming. Grills have intimidated me ever since. It was time to conquer that fear.

I forgot to brush the grill with oil before starting it so I rubbed a little coconut oil on the steak to keep it from sticking. As usual, I didn’t bother marinated or seasoning it in any way. Honestly, Wyebrook meat is so flavorful that it really doesn’t need anything! I grilled it for 15 minutes on medium heat and it was just about perfect. Slightly more cooked that I like (my mom insisted it was still raw), but still juicy and tender. The charcoal from the grill definitely added an extra flavor dimension. If only grilling weren’t such a hassle!

The petite tender comes from the chuck (yellow), not the tenderloin

The petite tender comes from the chuck (yellow), not the tenderloin

When I was walking out to give a tour yesterday I noticed a ripe fig on one of the fig trees. As soon as I got back to my parents I went out to check dad’s tree and sure enough it was covered with figs! Figs are one of my favorite fruits so I was thrilled. I immediately ate one and then grabbed a bucket to pick the rest. Did you know that fig trees grow extremely well in Brooklyn? Because they do.

Fresh figs are hard to come by as they are a delicate fruit and don’t travel well. That’s why most stores stock dried figs rather than fresh. Dried figs are wonderful, too, but if you can get your hands on some fresh ones, do so! Figs can be frozen, but once thawed are better suited to baking or jam than just eating.



There are so many things you can do with figs. They pair wonderfully with sweet and dishes. I love them in oatmeal or yogurt with a drizzle of honey. Roasted figs are quite tasty, too, and pair well with soft cheeses like brie or chevre. One of the best things about figs is that they add an air of sophistication to any event. There are so many great appetizers that can be made with figs that are easy to throw together, but feel so elegant. Like these roasted, stuffed figs.


2 thoughts on “Petite Tenders & Figs

  1. Thanks for the link – and I didn’t know that they grew well in Brooklyn! We’re in Toronto and many in the suburbs grow them here though I’ve yet to see a fig tree. 🙂

    • I love your site! It has so much great info. I didn’t know about figs in Brooklyn until I moved there. It’s amazing what you can grow in cities.

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